“As a child, we had a vivid imagination as we lived in magical visual worlds. In our childhood imagination, trees could become living creatures or nature spirits could suddenly slip out from behind a tree. In adults, daydream images can be consciously developed and guided therapeutically. Daydream images are in contact with strengthening inner forces. The person journeying in inner images playfully expands their creative potential and enhances their everyday skills.”

Dr. Leonina Kästele

Guided Affective Imagery Psychotherapy

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Guided Affective Imagery Psychotherapy (KIP) is a special treatment method of depth psychology-based psychotherapy that was founded in 1954 by Prof. Dr. Hanscarl Leuner and has been continuously developed ever since. The Greek word “katathym” means “according to the feelings”. The name indicates that the imaginations at the heart of catathymic imaginative psychotherapy are stimulated and controlled by autonomous emotional processes. In the imagined scenes, feelings, attitudes and beliefs as well as behavioral habits and relationship conflicts are symbolically represented and can thus be made conscious and processed. KIP has a differentiated repertoire of methods for the therapeutic use of imagination, in particular for dealing with conflicts and mobilizing inner resources. KIP is a special treatment method of depth psychology-based psychotherapy.
In practice, the procedure is as follows: After a short period of relaxation and centering, the therapist suggests a motif to the client which, in terms of its symbolism, is suitable for imaginatively expressing the issues to be dealt with. The client describes what is developing in his/her mind's eye, and the image gradually intensifies. The therapist accompanies the client in constant dialog, encourages him/her to take a closer look, supports him/her in confrontations and encourages him/her to try out new behavioral possibilities and relationship experiences. After the imagination, the client can visualize what has been imagined by painting/drawing and continue to work on it during the therapy session. (

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Fee Guided Affective Imagery Psychotherapy

  • For 1 session with a duration of 60 min I charge a fee of 90 €.
  • For 1 session with a duration of 90 min I charge a fee of 120 €.
  • For 5 sessions with a duration of 60 min I charge a fixed fee of 400 €.
  • My offerings are not eligible for reimbursement by health insurance companies.
  • Please note the information under Terms of cancellation and Prerequisite/Participation
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